People are easily allured to buy certain pills just because it has believable advertisements. But how can one know if the product they are eyeing on is really safe and effective?
Zantrex-3 is one of those diet pills that have been so commercialized on the television and on the World Wide Web. Its manufacturer even claimed that it’s the super diet pill of this era; it’s way beyond other weight-loss products. But how can we really know. This question keeps on popping up:
Does Zantrex-3 work?
Does Zantrex-3 work?
This article will know by examining 2 important factors: Packaging and Ingredient—its outer and inner aspects.
Packaging includes its marketing strategies in the internet. It’s all about how the company wants the people to perceive their product. In the case of Zoller Labs, the manufacturer of Zantrex-3, they want the consumers to see their diet pill as the newest finding in the weight-loss industry. They did it by making a statement that Zantrex-3 can take away weight 546% than any other diet pills. That’s one alluring claim, isn’t it? But if you are to examine, it’s like a dangerous claim.
546% means the users should lose at least 20 to 40 lbs. per month. But that kind of weight losing is impossible. The average achievable weigh loss could be from 2 to 8 lbs. per month. Thus, Zoller’s claim can be misleading to consumers. They can be accused of false promises if after a month the users did not lose at least 10 lbs.
Another doubtful element in the packaging of Zantrex-3 is a proprietary blend listed in the ingredient list. This blend is a mixture of unknown, at least to the consumers, weight-loss ingredients. This hiding of ingredients can be reasonable most especially that Zoller Labs has thousands of competitors and they don’t want their secret formula to be feasted upon. But this same hiding-factor creates suspicions in the eyes of the consumers. What if the ingredients on that blend are dangerous to one’s health? The answer is uncertain as its ingredient list is too.
So the question “Does Zantrex-3 work?” is still on. Let’s move on to ingredients to find out.
Zantrex-3 has many powerful and effective ingredients, health-wise. Here are some of its active substances:
Niacin , Caffeine , Yerba mate, Green tea , Guarana seed , Kola nut , Thea sinensis complex , Cocoa nut , Damiana , Piper nigum , Tibetan ginseng , Panax ginseng, Schizonepeta, Maca root, Rice flour.
Among these ingredients, two substances can bring serious side effects if combined to other or if it has higher dosage. These two are Niacin and Caffeine.
If niacin is combined with some of the above mentioned ingredients, it can bring some side effects such as nervousness, moodiness, nausea, headaches, bloating, chest pains, panic attacks, trouble breathing, and red rash.
On the other hand, because Zantrex-3 has higher doses of caffeine, it can bring serious effects like sleeplessness, rapid heartbeat, irritability, tremors, vomiting, heat palpitations, and headaches.
So, does Zantrex-3 work? If thousands of people say it does, then there’s nothing to do about it. But if you look at the presented data above, you will realize that even if it works, it can be dangerous to your health. Better to consult your doctor before buying this weight loss product.