What is Waterex?
Waterex is a new product on the market that is getting a little bit different approach to reducing body weight. Waterless program is developed in managing your body water levels. As this product was developed by GNC, an trusted name in the diet industry, you can be confident there are no unseen ingredients or payment techniques here.
Ingredients in Waterex:
The ingredients in the GNC Waterex involve Vitamin B-6, Magnesium, Potassium, Natural Tea extract, a Veggie Mixture of Asparagus, Oats, Legumes, and Parsley Natural herb, Uva Ursi extract, Buchu Extract, Melilot extract, Couchgrass Powder, Maize Soft silk, Hydrangea root Powder, and Juniper Fruits and veggies extract.
While this is a record of healthy ingredients indeed, there is not much on the record that will address specific weight loss needs. The only one that is unique from the pack to us is green tea extract, which provides valuable thermogenic capabilities to boost the metabolic rate and enhance energy. It is also an effective diuretic, which is probably why it made its way into this particular program.
What Waterex Offers?
In order to control your body water levels and eliminate water retention for a sleeker, slimmer look, Waterex provides you a comprehensive variety of natural materials, stimulant laxatives, and diuretics to advertise bowels and enhance urination. This can also help to reduce abdomen pain. While ingredients such as Uva Ursi and Juniper fruits do help you to lose a few extra weight in water weight, they are not proven to fight fat and enhance your BMI.
Waterex Drawback:
Product does not contain dietary supplements or hunger suppressants.
Losing water weight is not a long lasting weight loss solution.
Waterex contains a comprehensive variety of diuretics and stimulant laxatives in its program which are good for a short-term cleansing, but can be dangerous if used on a long-term basis.
Side effects associated with Waterex involve intestinal irregularity, diarrhea, digestive frustration, gas, and similar problem.
Additionally, you’ll want to make sure that you drink plenty of water while getting Waterex, to reduce your risk of experiencing contamination.