Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Meratrim Review and Its Side Effects

Meratrim weight loss supplement:

If you’ve tried to lose weight before and failed, you’re definitely not alone. This is really what happens usually. Sometimes people try to lose quite a bit, but they usually end up gaining it all back. The fact is… reducing your weight is not easy and also the success is horrible. Because of this, lots of people have become pretty desperate to take action on their weight issue. This has created a booming industry for weight loss supplements… supplements, pills as well as shakes which are supposed to make things simpler.

The most recent one to hit the spotlight is an all-natural supplement known as Meratrim, a combination of 2 herbs which are designed to assist block fat from being stored. It was recently featured on the The Dr. Oz Show. He called it a “groundbreaking weight loss supplement.”
You can watch the show for free on Dr. Oz’s site.

Dr. Oz even conducted his own informal “study” and had 30 women in his viewers take Meratrim, along with a 2000 calorie diet and daily walking, for 2 weeks.

On average, the ladies lost 3 pounds of weight as well as 3 inches off of their waistlines. Amazing results, but this is not a true research and doesn’t show anything.

Fortunately, we don’t need to rely on TV personalities because we have a real human research where the supplement is given to real people. But before we get into that, some background information on Meratrim…

Does it Work?

We now have a good research on Meratrim which looked at a total of 100 individuals and lasted for 2 months:
Stern JS, et al. Effectiveness and tolerability of an herbal formulation for weight management. Journal of medicinal food, 2013.
The study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, which is the gold standard of scientific tests in humans.
In the study, 100 obese individuals (23 men and 77 women) were separated into two sets:
Meratrim group: The people in this team took 400mg of Meratrim, Half an hour before breakfast and dinner (a total of 800mg).
Placebo group: The placebo team took 400mg of placebo (a dummy pill) instead, at the same times.
All individuals were placed on a strict 2000 calorie diet and were instructed to walk Half an hour daily.

Safety & Side Effects

In terms of safety, you should: Stay away from Seal-Less Containers - Never take any pills if the container seal is broken or even missing when you initially open your container. This could mean that something went wrong during processing, and you should contact your provider and request a new shipment.

Discussion With Medical Professional - Additionally, you need to discuss with your doctor before you start a new medication. Even though this product has little in the way of components or even chemical substances, you never know how the body will react when using it.
In terms of side effects, some people have reported:
  • Slight Stomach Pain
  • Few Cases Of Nausea

This is where it varies from various other dietary supplements available on the market. Because it does not include artificial or even unnecessary components, it has few negative effects.

Final Verdict:

Meratrim can assist you lose weight. The dietary supplement does not make any grand promises and its claims are clinically-grounded. It will boost your metabolism and as outcome you will lose weight, shrink around the hips and waist and regain self-confidence in your body image. It’s an efficiency-proven weight-loss pill that when combined with exercising as well as conscious consuming options can assist you lose weight slowly and also without any unwanted effects.

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