Monday, March 4, 2013

Weight Loss

Obesity or overweight is the condition which occurs due to excessive deposition of fat in adipose tissue. Ayurveda has been proved that those who are very fat have most diseases and troubles as compared to person having thin body. This is because the extra fat puts a strain on the liver, kidney, heart and joint such as knee, ankles hips etc. Over weighed person has to face several diseases like diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure, gout and arthritis.  Obesity can occur due to faulty eating habits, not following dieting rules and overeating. But nowadays many ways are available to deal with weight loss. Most of the people join gym or dance classes while some of them go with the dietary supplement.

Weight loss Details:
According to stats there are more than 1 billion adults who are overweight and at least 300 million of these people are suffering from obesity. We know that people who are above the normal weight are often called as overweight or suffering from obesity. People who are suffering from overweight condition or obesity has to face several problems like cholesterol, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, breathing problems, knee pain, hips pain and several kind of joint pain. Due to this it’s become very important to lose weight.

Benefits of Weight loss:  
By losing unnecessary weight one can improve their health in many ways. Some benefits of losing weight are given below:
  • Blood pressure can be reduced.
  • Cholesterol level can be controlled.
  • Also blood sugar level can be improved.
  • Energy level can be increased.
  • Aches and pain can be reduced.
  • Type 2 diabetes can be prevented.
  • Risk of heart attack or stroke can be reduced.

Importance & Usage of Weight loss:
Actually it is scientifically proven that obese person has to face lots of problems as compared to slim person. As one loses his weight, automatically he reduces his diseases. Increased weight can lead to insulin resistance which plays an important role in controlling diabetes. Hence it’s very important for obese person to lose their weight.
Negatives of weight loss:
In overweight condition, extra fat puts a strain on several body parts like heart, kidney, knee, liver, ankle and hips. Due to this one has to face lots of problems such as, cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, breathing problem, heart attack, stroke and several kind of joint pain. From many years overweight has been a common problem all over the world. To solve these entire problems one should lose their weight either by going with any surgery or with natural supplement.
All in all:
From all these consequences it can be conclude that one should lose their weight to stay healthy and problem free. Only fit and fine body can keep you healthy. One can also go with gym or dance classes to lose extra pounds but sometimes it shows several side effects like body pain, swelling, etc. So it’s a better option to go with a natural supplement lo reduce weight.


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