Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Nice exercises to Lose Weight Faster

Finding the right exercises to lose weight can be very difficult for some. Exercising to lose weight is natural, fun and an easy form of weight loss method. To lose weight you must also understand how your body system works. Our body is made of up of cells; cells form organs and the organ forms different body systems. When all the body systems function well, you stay healthy but if one of your body systems breaks down or wakens it create an imbalance in the daily chemical activity of the body, which can cause you to gain or lose weight.

To increase the number of calories burned per workout, incorporate compound exercises into your routine. Compound exercises recruit multiple muscles to execute one movement to increase the number of calories burned per exercise. Add compound exercises to your strength training workouts to see more results.

Barbell Squats
Barbell squats recruit the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and calves. Place the barbell behind your neck, resting on your trapezius muscle at the base of your neck. Hold the barbell with both hands and palms facing forward. Stand in front of a flat bench with your back facing the bench. Bend from the hips and sit back until your butt taps the bench. Don't sit down completely. Keep your knees aligned with your ankles to prevent injury. Immediately press up while keeping your weight focused in your heels. Repeat for four sets of 15 repetitions.

Bench Press
Bench press engages your chest and arms. Lie back on the bench press so the bar is at eye-level. Place your hands on the bar spaced shoulder-width apart. Your palms should be facing down. Lift the bar off of the rack and lower the bar toward your chest. Try to bring the bar all the way down to tap your chest. Press the weight up until your arms are fully extended. Repeat for four sets of 15 repetitions.

Hanging Leg Raises
Hanging leg raises stimulates your core muscles including your abs, external obliques and core. Hang from a pull up bar with your hands spaced shoulder-width apart. Face your palms downward. Hang from the bar with your legs straight. Keep your feet together and lift your legs until your body is bent at 90 degrees. Slowly lower your feet to the starting position. Try to avoid swinging to lift your legs higher. Perform four sets of 20 repetitions.

The rate at which you burn calories while bicycling ranges depending on how fast you are peddling. The average person will burn approximately 290 calories per hour when on a bike, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Many people enjoy riding their bikes outside, while others prefer to convenience of an indoor stationary bike. If you are the type that dreads exercise, you can set up a stationary bike in front of your television and workout while watching your favorite shows. If you choose to ride outdoors, be sure to wear a helmet and other safety equipment.

Walking is one of the most common exercises employed by those hoping to lose weight. Not only will a brisk walk burn 280 calories per hour, but is also beneficial to toning your hips, stomach and legs. To burn additional calories, consider seeking out walking trails, incorporating hills or even adding short bursts of speed every so often. If you don't normally have time to exercise, walking can replace short car rides to the store, or park as far away from the door as possible for extra walking time. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator also allows for additional walking throughout your day.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention list swimming as one of highest possible calorie burning exercises. The average person will burn nearly 600 calories for every hour they spend swimming slow freestyle laps in the pool. In addition to burning calories, swimming helps to tone nearly every part of your body. Simply jump into the pool and swim up and down the length of the pool using slow, deliberate strokes. To avoid boredom while swimming, alter your workout by swimming normally for the length of the pool and doing backstrokes as you return.

Low-intensity aerobic exercise, such as a brisk walk, cycling or mini trampoline bouncing, can help you lose weight. Start your aerobic exercise session at a very low intensity. Your heart rate can help you determine the intensity of your workout. Your rate should rise steadily to 60 to 70 percent of your maximum heart rate in approximately 20 to 30 seconds after the onset of your workout session. Calculate your maximum heart rate by subtracting your age from 220. Avoid higher intensity aerobic exercise, because your body begins to draw upon carbohydrates for energy instead of fat and will not help you lose weight. Perform low-intensity aerobic exercise for 60 minutes or longer depending on the intensity of your workout session.

Dancing Dancing is a fast and easy way to lose weight, as it can be very enjoyable. There are various types of dancing from different cultures, learning a few different types of dancing styles can make your exercise more interesting and fun. Yoga Yoga is a traditional, physical and mental discipline exercise originated in India. It is one of the oldest forms of exercise still in existence. Now it has become popular as a kind of low-impact physical exercise and is also used for therapeutic purposes as an addition to western medicine.

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