Tuesday, April 22, 2014

10 Tips On How to Lose Weight Fast for Teenage Girls

How to lose weight fast for teen girls - there has to be a way of letting you know, assisting separate the myth from fact, and get you on the right track to a healthy, happy weight! If you’re a teenager serious about weight reduction, as well as doing it safely and effectively, read on to discover more! Here are 10 tips on how to lose weight fast for teenage girls, all of them tried and true.

  1. CHOOSE ONE, SWAP THE REST: My teen years were a haze of chips, soda, and candy — I lived in an unhealthy food heaven. But that’s terribly harmful, and unfortunately, still a part of most teens’ lives. Am I suggesting that you stop eating unhealthy foods. No. But it would be a great way to begin living a healthy lifestyle to select one vice, and change the rest for something more healthy. For instance, you can keep consuming movie popcorn at the movies, but skip the soda as well as choosing bottled water. Or, feel free to have chips with your sandwich at lunch, but skip the soda and have a piece of fresh fruit or a crunchy vegetable instead.
  2.  GET UP AND DANCE: Let’s discuss more about video games. I do have a soft spot for any game which encourages physical activity, like the dance games. They’re the best, and some are actually very good exercise! These video games are a good way for teenagers to lose weight, or just be fitter. 
  3. PLAY SPORTS: When I was a teenager, I kept fit by running on the cross-country team. If you’re at all excited about any team or individual sports, try out or sign up! Sports are a wonderful way to make and keep like-minded friends, and to stay healthy (or drop unwanted weight).
  4.  DO IT FOR YOU: If you’re thinking of losing weight because you think that’s what your friends want, or your parents, or your boyfriend, or anyone else for that matter, stop and take a long hard look at yourself. If YOU like what you see, or are confused by the messages you’re getting from peers or even relatives or the media, go see your doctor for a truly objective opinion. She or he will tell you, honestly, if you want to lose weight, or if you’re being affected by someone, or something, else. Do it for you!
  5. REALIZE YOU’RE STILL GROWING: If you’re wondering how to reduce weight fast, and you’re still in your teens, remember that you’re still growing! During your teen years, you’ll just naturally gain and lose weight as your body changes to hormone levels so that as your body grows its own metabolism. Don’t panic every time you gain a pound or two… you’re still growing!
  6. FIND A FRIEND BUT DITCH THE FRENEMIES: Your friends can make or even break a weight-loss goal. A good friend will support and also motivate you. Frenemies will break you down and sabotage your healthy efforts. So stick with the friends you know you can count on, and ditch the mean girls.
  7. SKIP THE SODA: Did you notice I mentioned skipping soda TWICE in my tip above? That’s because it’s one easy way for teenagers to lose weight quickly. Each serving of soda includes lots of empty calories. Over time, those calories add up to pounds. Skip the soda completely, or at least switch to diet or zero-calorie.
  8. ASK FOR HELP: It’s difficult to be an overweight teen. You get bullied and laughed at. No one wants to assist, they all only want to make fun! If you’re feeling bullied, threatened, or just overwhelmed, ask for help. Ask a teacher, a relative, a friend. Don’t try to take on the world, or a weight issue, all on your own.
  9. DO IT NOW: If you’re a teenager who’s enduring serious weight problems, don’t turn away weight-loss. It will never be simpler than now. I’m not saying it will be EASY, just EASIER, to lose weight in your teens, than say, in your 40s.
  10. TURN OFF THE TV AND COMPUTER: We spend more and more time doing sedentary things (on our butts!) than ever — watching TV, playing video games, using the computer, or even just sitting and texting friends. This is horrible! Not only does it hurt our actual real-life relationships, it discourages the physical activity we all need to lose weight, and keep it off. If you want to lose weight, or just be more fit, shut off the TV and walk away from the PC.
All of these tips are proven, tried and true, all superb ways of how to lose weight fast for teenage girls. Keep in mind that first one in particular — it’s so true! So find a friend to assist you along, and get going, sweetie! Which of these tips do you think will assist you most? Or do you have another suggestion that will assist teenage girls lose weight? Do tell!

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