Sunday, April 20, 2014

How to Reduce Weight with Thyroid Disease

Losing weight can be a difficult undertaking in a regular situation, but if you have a thyroid problem, your efforts are made much more complicated. With thyroid disease, metabolic process decreases, and this leads to minimized energy levels. Both of these conditions work towards any efforts for losing weight. Because of this, you have to implement several required steps when planning to lose weight with Thyroid Disease.

  1. Meet with your doctor so that you can both decide what options you need to apply in your endeavor to lose weight safely with low thyroid. You will discover that the suggestions offered will be similar to regular ways to reducing your weight, but with a thyroid problem you need to kick it up a notch. You will discover that you have to exercise harder, check out your food consumption more, and basically be more aware of exactly what and how you are creating good steps at losing weight.
  2. To discuss starting a daily exercise program which gets the body functioning and your muscles increased. In order to be highly effective with a low thyroid problem you will need to include a fairly long as well as strenuous exercise. The best exercise will certainly build your metabolism and help you lose excess weight. You can also make exercise fun by taking up Tai Chi, Kung Fu or even kick boxing. Making exercise more about learning something new and fewer regarding losing weight will be more inspiring.
  3.  Go for medication that will help you in your plan to lose weight. You need to consult with your doctor regarding supplements which help to improve a thyroid problem, such as bladderwrack (sea weed) and iodine. 
  4. Have a cup of green tea, and you will feel much more energized and inspired to exercise. With a low thyroid you will really feel sluggish and too exhausted to exercise, but it is essential to energize yourself if you want to lose weight.
  5. Consume lots of water if you are working on losing weight with thyroid disease. Drinking water is important to everyone's well-being, but as with exercise, a person with thyroid disease needs to go above and beyond what is considered the norm. For example, where regular diets strongly recommend consuming 8 glasses of water a day, if you have thyroid concerns, you may have to include an extra glass for every pound (.45 kg) you wish to lose.
  6. Add the recommended amount of fiber to your diet when you have a hypothyroid problem. Foods which contain fiber include fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains. 

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