Monday, April 21, 2014

The Real Reason You're Gaining Weight

Most times, we all know exactly why our outfits might start feeling a little snug, but I wanted to tell you about some of the more strange factors you’re gaining weight. Weight gain is not always just about counting calories. Our life-style can contribute to weight gain, but we’d never guess that it’d be the reason! If you’ve observed that you’ve gained lots of weight but are not very sure why, check out and see if it’s due to some of these well-known but strange reasons you’re gaining weight.

  1. YOU’RE STRESSEDEveryone experiences stress and in a small amount, it’s really best for us. However, when we’re under regular stress, our bodies secrete cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, which can enhance our hunger. WebMD notes that in addition to enhancing hunger, cortisol, leptin and other hormones which are released when we will stressed, stress can reduce our metabolism and cause weight gain in the abdominal area.
  2. YOU’RE ALWAYS MULTITASKINGIn today’s busy world, multi tasking seems like the best way to increase your time, but it can have some negative effects. It can slow us down, we make some mistakes and it can stress us out. A study by Emory University discovered that task switching has truly ruined your capability to control yourself around foods. Due to the fact is that our brains have to allocate resources to deal with all of the things we do in a day and if your day is made up of a number of task changing, we won’t have the ability to make good decisions when it comes time to consume.
  3.  YOUR MEDICATIONWe’re usually acutely aware of the negative effects of the medicines we take, but some things such as weight gain are not so obvious. If you take certain medicines like anti-depressants, anti-convulsants, migraine medication, anti-psychotics, beta blockers, diabetes medications, antihistamines, hormones, cancer-fighting agents and cholesterol drugs, they might be to blame for your recent weight gain.
  4. YOU’RE LOW ON CERTAIN NUTRIENTSIf your body is low on specific nutrients just like Vitamin D, magnesium or iron, it can affect the body in many ways just like slowing down the metabolic process. Dr. Robert J. Hedaya of Georgetown University Medical Center says that we often compensate for our low energy with sugar, caffeine or even other simple carbs than can result in gaining weight. Ensure that you are taking well-rounded meals to help dietary supplement your iron as well as magnesium levels. If you’re low on Vitamin D, it’s not as easy to dietary supplement so it’s better to consult with your doctor to get the right dosage.
  5. NOT ENOUGH SLEEPDid you ever think that all those late nights and also early morning could contribute to weight gain? One of the weird reasons you’re gaining weight could be due to the fact that your body is lacking sleep. When we’re sleep deprived, there are biochemical changes in our body that enhances hunger, stores fat or even causes us to feel not as full after eating. There’s also the chance that if you’re up later, you’re also been snacking later. We might not always be able to get a complete night’s sleep, but we can do our best to try to hit the sack at a decent hour whenever we can!
  6.  YOU TRAVEL A LOT FOR WORKTraveling for work can be fun, but when you’re regularly on the road, it can result in weight gain in the long run. Research done by the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine discovered that individuals who travel more than 20 nights per month are 92% more prone to gain weight. This does not mean that being a frequent flyer means you’re destined to gain weight. Plan ahead to check out hotels that have gyms, search for healthy eateries or even cook healthy foods yourself and always stay healthy snacks on hand.
  7. YOU’RE OBSESSED WITH THINHaving a healthy role model or even a perfect weight can be best for weight loss inspiration, but research from Tilsburg University in the Netherlands found that surrounding yourself with pics of super fit celebrities can actually deter you from achieving your health and fitness goals. The more you admire a model’s very thin waist, the less attainable, it will seem and the more likely you are to consume unhealthy foods.
Do you think you might be gaining weight due to one of these problems? Gaining weight is not usually so cut and dry so if you’re regularly exercising and consuming right, you might want to check out other things to try and get to the bottom of your weight gain.

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